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Barcelona & outside area - seeking recommendations


10+ Posts
Hi, we would love some recommendations for several things re Barcelona. We are going there on Sept 28 for 9 days and have not had time to plan our activities. I've always gotten great recs from this group! Would love tips/recs on the following:

We are staying at Abba Rambla but heard it may not be the best area. Most hotels I want to stay at are booked. Any ideas for hotels? For one couple. (Our kid is doing a training camp at the FCBarcelona training area so we don't want to go outside Barc.

Any towns or lovely places we can take a train to (or a guided tour) for day trips outside of Barcelona?
Any favorite restaurants?
Any favorite shops? Esp jewelry and shoe/handbag/leather shops. Or Spanish crafts. Markets?
Activities that may be off the beaten path?
And any tips in general, like transportation (taxis? buses?)

thanks in advance! Kathy
Jan's Tips for Barcelona has great recs. I especially second Teoric, Santa Gula, and Embat. In the Gotic, I had a very good casual meal of Catalan coca (flatbreads) at La Antic Boci. You'll need to reserve everywhere, Barcelona is very busy. The bus and subway system is very easy to use. Be sure to get to some of the "lesser" sights that will be less crowded.

We loved our stay in Girona, it is an easy train ride from Barcelona.
Guess I'm too late with this, so myabe for your next trip. I second Chris's suggestion of Palau de la Musica. Besides the building being spectacular we've seen marvelous shows there. We also enjoyed a performance at https://teatrelliure.com in Gracia which where we prefer to stay. Girona is lovely and worth a day or two. Wonderful jewelry shop: Different Jewelry
Another nice shop is Tantrend at C. Bruc 15
Lunch at Cal Pep is a treat. We also liked lunch at BlauBCN https://blaubcn.com/en/home-en/
and El Bitxo near the Palua de Musica Catalan

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