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Embarrassing moments with languages

Ian Sutton

1000+ Posts
Have you had any unfortunate mistakes when attempting to speak a foreign language on holiday (or at home)?

I had a new one last week, when attempting to say my partner works in conservation. I said ".... lavora in natura", which doesn't translate as working in nature, but rather without clothes :eek: :jawdrop: :shamefullyembarrassed:

it turns out that "lavora nell'ambito dell'ambiente" is more appropriate (and no doubt warmer)

Other mistakes include getting peach and fish mixed up (pesche and pesce) when ordering a main course, confusing celery (sedano) with sofa, and countless other small / not so small mistakes. I think it's important to laugh at myself (and it allows me to join in with everyone else!)

I'll add another from a friend, who when on student exchange in France, announced "I'm full" at the end of a family meal, but she used a slightly incorrect verb, instead saying "I'm full (with child)". She said there was a rather uncomfortable silence.
I have done the same thing with peach/fish, asking for a pescenoce (which I guess would translate to a fish nut or fish walnut). I should have asked for a pescanoce (nectarine)! I still remember where it happened - Bardolino on Lake Garda in the summer of 2005 at a fruit & vegetable stand. The woman had quite a laugh, as did I once I realized what I said.

I am sure I have mad a lot of other errors but that is the most memorable.
My mother was very taken by a nice but obviously somewhat undertrained junior waitress at some place they ate at in Scotland who would keep calling the dish "spaghetti bolomayonnaise".
Hi Patrick
That reminds me of the in-joke I have with my partner, who has been a little reluctant to learn Italian. I tried colours and resorted to 'Verdi' as a close approximation to 'Verde' for green. However in (understandable) resistance, the little green man on a pedestrian crossing is now called 'Vivaldi'.
There is a village in northern Spain where they are still probably talking about the people who bought a sandwich, and then asked for a cochinillo plástico instead of a cuchillo plástico. Yeah, a knife would definitely do a better job than a plastic piglet.
My recent mistake was in my Italian class here in SF. I was telling my teacher I was on a diet after having returned from Italy a little more worse for wear, and said I was on a low-carbohydrate diet. You know, no pasta, no riso, no patatine e no --- i meant to say "pane" but it came out "pene." We had a good laugh.

A word that is new to me, but having looked it up, I can understand the amusement / embarrassment!

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