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I look forward to sharing in this community as I certainly subscribe to the "slow travel approach" after learning processes over the years. I live with my family in Boulder, CO, and enjoy oil painting. I love to travel, but especially to Europe. Of the EU countries that I have visited (England, Scotland, Portugal, Spain, Belgium, Switzerland, France, Greece, Italy), I have spent the most time in Italy (my love for the country and language stemming from time there while studying art in Florence). My mother introduced me to Europe and the joy of travel, which my husband and I are now able to share now with our children (ages 6 an 8) years later. I was under the impression for years that to travel abroad with kids in the picture, that I would need to pop away and do it solo (which I do truly enjoy); or to arrange for a family member to watch our kids when my husband and I took a little travel time. The issue with that was a need to rush on our trips a bit, to not be gone from our kids for too long.. We took the leap last summer, and took our kids to Greece for 17 days. We took a slow approach, and learned they are much more capable than we realized (and what a gift to see their little legs hopping down a tiny cobblestone street in an ancient village). We hope to continue to travel as a family throughout the years as it is a gift for all of us to be together during our experiences. For now I am enjoying the research for a family trip to Sicily this spring, an area of Italy where I have never been. Cheers!
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Booking.com Hotels in Europe
AutoEurope.com Car Rentals

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