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Venice Restaurant Suggestions {Casual & Kid Friendly}


New Member
Oh how I am loving the thread started by Colleen on restaurant suggestions in Venice. You all have such vast and up-to-date experience! I've just been to Venice about 4 or 5 times prior to my upcoming visit for 4 days with my three kids (4, 12, and 12) in tow. So, I've got the suggestions already posted but are there specific restaurant suggestions for very casual meals? My kids are easy going, I just like to take them to places with terrific food where they don't have to feel too "fancy".:D
I would say these places are very kid-friendly -
Alla Strega in Castello (pizza only, pretty much)
Ae Oche (several locations in Venice)
Birreria La Corte in Campo San Polo
Casa Mia in Cannaregio
Taverna San Trovaso in Dorsoduro

All of the above (except Alla Strega) have pizza, pasta, and lots of other menu items. If you can't find addresses googling let me know and I will post them.
Thank you so very much Shannon for sharing your expertise on Venice kid friendly restaurants! :D I'll look up addresses and will let you know if I have trouble finding any of them.

To add to Shannon's great list:

Muro has 3 locations at Rialto, San Stae and the Frari
Pane, Vino e San Daniele, also with 3 locations. I have only eaten at the Calle Lunga San Barnaba location.
My kids loved Alla Strega. I will admit (with a grimace) that they were most impressed with Hard Rock Cafe, though, and after two weeks of them being good eaters I wasn't going to argue the point. :D

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