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  1. C

    Norway Bergen and The Norwegian Coastal Voyage – the world’s most beautiful cruise

    By Caro from Scotland, Summer 2004 31st May 2004 - 19th June 2004, 6 days in Bergen followed by the Norwegian Coastal Voyage This trip report was originally published on SlowTrav.com. Bergen A slow, slow travellers trip up the coast of Norway from Bergen through the Arctic Circle to the land of...
  2. Wendy&Rob

    A Mediterranean Cruise

    Wendy & Rob from California, Fall 2003 After 13 days in Italy we boarded Holland America's Noordam. We started in Civitavecchia went down the Tyrrenean Sea up the Adriadic to Dubrovnic, then to Corfu, Malta, Palermo, Mahon and then Toulon & Setè, France and finished in...