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Another Hello from California


New Member
Like a lot of others came here after seeing the sad news over at Slowtalk. Can't tell you how much useful information I got from folks over there. Hoping this forum becomes as active and as helpful. As for our travelling my wife and I have been to Italy quite a number of times and covered quite a bit of the country. Our last stay there was a 6-week trip to Florence right after we both retired. We were lucky enough to meet up with two different sets of Slowtalkers while we there for lunch and a pizza party. Aside from Italy we have travelled a bit in France, taken a few of the scenic railroad across Switzerland, and spent a little bit of time in Spain and England. This year we will be doing a 3-week in late April/early May to Andalucia for 10 days and then on to Lucca for a little over a week. Later this year we'll do a 10-day trip to London. I hope to get some more useful information here and to share whatever we know with others.
Ah. Nice to see you've made it over here too. Haven't been back to Italy since that trip, but leaving in less than a month for Andalucia/Lucca. We hope to take a day trip over to Florence to re-visit some of the places that became familiar to us during our six weeks there.

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