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We'll arrive in Asolo mid-morning, driving there from Slovenia. We'll stay at http://www.booking.com/hotel/it/b-amp-b-zia-maria.html which is outside of Asolo. (Pauline, help again with the link!)

We'll stay 2 nights in this area, so our first afternoon I'm thinking the Palladio villa at the foot of Asolo, then the town itself. For our second (and full day), Bassano del Grappa - but is there enough to see and do in the town itself, or are there other things to see and do in this area? After our 2 night stay we'll drop off our car at the Venice airport and spend our last afternoon/evening in Venice - where we'll need one great restaurant for our last meal. We don't want fancy/expensive, and altho Art loves seafood, I'm a little pickier, so even a great pizza would be fine. If you have any advice or suggestions please chime in!
Barb, I'm trying to figure out from a map where you are cutting west after you leave Slovenia at Tarvesio? I think you may be going through Udine, Pordenone, & Conegliano. Is that right? It seems like a long drive, but if you have time and want to make a tiny detour, get off the A23 at Osoppo onto the 463. That will lead you right to S. Daniele del Friuli, home of the famous and fabulous S. Daniele ham. Best procuitto ever. Also, you'll be very close to Fagagna (you can ask Shannon about THAT). Then you can pick up the S13 and continue on.
Thanks Deborah. We'll be spending our last night in Slovenia in Nova Gorica, listed at just over a 2 hour drive on Google maps, and detouring to San Daniele adds just over an hour to the route - and the thought of prosciutto in its' 'home' sounds very, very enticing!

....and now I'm waiting for Shannon to chime in with what is obviously a very interesting story about Fagagna!
Asolo is lovely: do get a map from the tourist office there and do the (very short) hike up to the castle at the top. If you don't make it to San Daniele on the route over, there's a branch of that very good small chain Pane Vino e San Daniele in Asolo centre, where we had a very good lunch a couple of years ago.

Are you thinking of the Villa Maser (= Villa Barbaro)? Absolutely wonderful! Don't miss the gorgeous little tempietto, on the road just beyond the villa's entrance.
Thanks Jonathan! I think you and Deborah have given us 2 great possibilities. Last summer we ran into so many detours and roads closed due to construction, so if we run into problems making the detour to San Daniele it's nice to know we'll have a second chance in Asolo!

And yes, Villa Maser is on our must-see list! Thanks for the tip!

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