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Base for 4 old school friends' reunion


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We are four old school friends who plan on meeting up for 7-10 days in England in Spring of 2019. Friends for 55 years! Two from Canada, one from England and one from South Africa. I am looking at York, Salisbury and Chichester. Please would you give me your opinions on which of these offers the best option with regard to places of interest round about for day trips and ease of travel by public transport, and the town itself. I am leaning towards Chichester and would love to hear what you have to say about this town. Thank you in advance. Lesleymay
I don't know Chicester or York, but I know Salisbury. We visited recently just for an overnight, and about 15 years ago we spent a week there. The cathedral is very interesting, the town is beautiful. It is a good size with lots of shops and restaurants. From there you can visit Stonehenge and Avebury, both ancient stone circles. I am not sure if you can do it with public transport - probably to Stonehenge. Trains go into London.
York as a centre is certainly bigger than Chi, and I'm sure bigger than Salisbury. For pure ease of options (and with good transport links) it would win, but that ought to be one factor amongst many.

It's been many years since I've been through Chi, but it always seemed very pleasant and reasonably well-heeled, and there is some lovely countryside and coast nearby

I've spent plenty of time in York, with work and holidays. It will eat the 7 days up comfortably and keep you engaged. Although in the North, I used to joke it has some Southern leanings (it's a bit more fancy than many Yorkshire cities). It's definitely a good option, but is different enough to the others such that other factors may sway your decision.
My husband and I spent almost a week in York a few years ago and hardly scratched the surface. We loved the museums, the restaurants, the cathedral--and there were some wonderful day trips available. I wet to Thirsk because I had so enjoyed the James Herriott books, and we took another day trip to the town on the coast from which Captain Cook sailed (I forget the name, of course.) As Ian said, York will eat the days up very quickly and you'll wish you had even more time there.

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