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Best area to stay in Capri


10+ Posts
I know that there are two towns in Capri. If we decide to stay for a couple of nights, which is the most scenic?
I've only visited Capri once as a daytrip, so can't really be of any help. But if I were to spend a night or two, I'd stay in Anacapri (the upper town). Capri seemed more of a luxury resort, whereas Anacapri felt quieter and (relatively) less touristy. And the views from on high are gorgeous!!

But I must confess we spent most of our time wandering around the mountainside and didn't actually see a lot of either town! We took a convertible taxi from Capri up to Anacapri, then took the chair lift up to the top of Monte Solaro, then hiked down to Anacapri. Partway down, we made a side trek to the Hermitage of Cetrella - stunning views down over the water, the Sorrentine peninsula, and the faraglioni rocks. There's a very challenging hiking trail (la passetella?) that runs from the hermitage down to the town of Capri, but we didn't go that way - we backtracked to our original path and hiked down only as far as Anacapri. By the way, "hike" is almost too strong a word...it isn't a difficult path. My mom was 74 at the time and didn't find it overly strenuous. But there's also the option of returning to Anacapri by chairlift, instead of walking down.
I agree with Anne completely. We rented a home for a week in Anacapri years ago, and it was one of the best weeks we've ever spent. It's less touristy and less crowded than the town of Capri.

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