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Car lease in the UK...for 4 months?


New Member
Hello! Do any of you know of a good and affordable car lease program in the UK? We are arriving into France towards the end of April and then immediately traveling to the UK. Originally we had arranged to pick up a car in Paris through Auto Europe but they just informed us that you can't rent in Europe (due to Brexit) and go from there to the UK. It looks like we'll need to train to the UK and get a car there. We'll also have our two small dogs with us which adds to the complexity a bit.
Any suggestions for 4 month car lease in the UK?? Thank you!!!!
Another issue with renting a car in France to use in the UK would be that the steering wheel would be on the left side of the car rented in France versus the right side of the car rented in the UK. Not an issue for some, but that would be confusing to me.

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Booking.com Hotels in Europe
AutoEurope.com Car Rentals

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