Ryanair are indeed bad, but it may help to say why, as this might mean you're still prepared to use them (as we do).
Hidden costs The headline offer is often attractive, but you'll be paying extra for lots of things, like payment method, a better located seat (nearer the exists for faster exit), any luggage, etc. Be sure to work a booking all the way through to see the full cost. Then clear cookies as they certainly used to pull the 'up the cost for prior visitors' trick.
Marketing Not as bad as it used to be, but the cabin comms will include adverts for scratchcards, a modest amount from which goes to charity, plus overpriced drinks/food (sic.) etc. Wearing headphones cuts this cr*p out
Cattle-herding Their 'system' has you queuing up to get on the plane as fast as possible, so you can get 1st dibs on limited overhead locker space. Beat the 'system' by using a rucksack or tote-bag or similar, which you can place at your feet, with the added advantage it won't get crushed by fellow passengers or crew proving they never learnt from square peg round hole toys when younger.
Out of the way airports A problem for many, as what they advertise as associated with a city is often 30+ miles away from it, but for us this has often been an advantage as it might be closer to our untouristy destination.
Cramped cabin space They're not much worse than others, and for 2-3 hours, it's not a massive problem.