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Italy in 2020 or bust


New Member
Hello, Slow Europe friends. I was a constant lurker, sometime poster on SlowTrav beginning in 2009, but didn't join back in with this community until today. I'm looking forward to chatting with you again.

We are planning a move to Abruzzo in early 2020 for an indefinite period of time. We're done with the big-city, downtown-office-tower, big-house-two-cars life. We intend to take advantage of the new law offering a flat 7% tax rate to retirees who settle in the south. We also intend to learn how to live a smaller life with fresh daily meals and lots of walks and exploring. We believe this will improve the quality and reduce the cost of our daily lives.

Despite a number of trips to Italy, we have never been south or east of Rome, so we have lots to learn and explore. We're booked for a 3-week apartment-hunting trip in September, and booked one-way on the QM2 in January (so we can take our French bulldog, who can't fly due to lack of a proper nose.)

I'm working fiendishly on all the organization that goes along with this plan: updated wills and financial plans, visa application prep, readying the house for sale, wrapping up my volunteer work (paying work is done), and a million other things. My husband is happy to support this plan as long as I do the planning...but I'm a project manager, so I'm happy to take that on.

I'll be asking questions and looking for information from those who've gone before me...happy to be back.

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Booking.com Hotels in Europe
AutoEurope.com Car Rentals

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52 Things to See and Do in Basilicata by Valerie Fortney
Italian Food & Life Rules by Ann Reavis
Italian Food Decoder App by Dana Facaros, Michael Pauls
French Food Decoder App by Dana Facaros, Michael Pauls
She Left No Note, Lake Iseo Italy Mystery 1 by J L Crellina

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