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After more than a year since the deal was announced it appears that final approval is imminent:
ITA will be part of the Lufthansa group and join Star Alliance.
An interesting tidbit - ITA actually turned a profit in 2023. Alitalia’s last profitable year was 1998, I think.

Ita-Lufthansa, il matrimonio è previsto il 3 luglio prossimo
Dopo mesi di negoziati, l’Unione Europea approverà mercoledì 3 luglio l’accordo tra Ita Airways e Lufthansa, consolidando l’alleanza nel settore aereo
ITA will be part of the Lufthansa group and join Star Alliance.
An interesting tidbit - ITA actually turned a profit in 2023. Alitalia’s last profitable year was 1998, I think.