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Milano Centrale to Perugia on TrenItalia


New Member
I've been seeing announcements that there will be a new route from Milan to Perugia coming soon. I've tried TrenItalia's site to get quotes but it tells me no solutions available. I'm traveling in September. Am I too far out to get a quote?
Ok. I find out thru TrenItalia chat that I'm too far out to check. So then I ask what station in Perugia I should use for a direct trip when I'm able to reserve? That was 30 minutes ago and all I'm getting is white noise!! If anyone knows the station in Perugia for a direct, it would be appreciated.
The direct service departs Milan Centrale at 1845, arriving at Perugia at 2218. The morning service leaves Perugia at 0513. As you say, it's too early for bookings in September.
Yes, it would be the station that just shows as Perugia on the Trenitalia site, known locally as Fontivegge.
Thanks. I normally fly to Milan then drive to Umbria but that ride is getting a bit much. I'll have to find out where I can rent a car once I get to Perugia.

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