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Navigating in Ireland


1000+ Posts
I have an old, old GPS unit - we got it for free from AE one year when we rented a car - they were replacing all their old units and just gave them away. Personally I'd much rather rely on Google maps on my phone, or is there a reason to sue GPS over Google maps? And yes, I'm also taking paper maps - I like to see the 'big picture' which is impossible with GPS, and impossible-to-read-on-my-phone with Goggle! I see that Kemwel is offering free (returnable) GPS units, but I'm not sure that would work for us due to our extended stay.
Never having used GPS, I can't comment about that .... HOWEVER we always used a road atlas (darn sight easier than trying to read google maps and a lot clearer). Our choice was AA Road Atlas Ireland. At a scale of 3miles to an inch it is sufficiently detailed for easy navigation. There are also some more detailed town and city maps. You can either buy this off Amazon before you leave or wait and buy in Ireland. Make sure you get the latest edition as the atlases are republished every year. Detail of small roads won't change but there may be changes with motorways...

An atlas is a lot easier to use in a car than paper maps, and to be honesty, we weren't impressed by the paper maps available in Ireland - they weren't as good as the OS maps available for GB.

The only time I can see a use for GPS is when navigating in large towns when sihgning may not be as helpful as it could be!
I use a GPS when travelling, but always have a paper atlas in the car too. Advantage of GPS over Google maps on phone: all of Europe is automatically available without having to remember to download maps or worry about whether there's phone coverage. The one time I did use Google maps on the phone to navigate, I remembered to download the maps beforehand, and then just as I got to the part of the trip I was unfamiliar with, the phone ran out of battery and I didn't have the charger with me. But did have an atlas of course! So pro tip: have a car charger and an atlas with you!

If you are going to use an old GPS, it will be out of date (disadvantage compared to Google). But in rural Ireland that won't be much of an issue -- rural roads don't change much.

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