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Photo of the Day - April 2017

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We did a very long walk yesterday - 9 miles with nearly 1500 feet of climbing (up and down, up and down, etc.). The light was not good for this photo, but it is from the first hill looking towards where we would be walking. The village in the sunshine is Symondsbury, near Bridport. We are standing on Allington Hill in Bridport.

Woke up to a few inches of fresh snow. Have not been up skiing for about a month now with the warm weather hitting early this year, but decided to ski a few runs today. It was a beautiful day with lots of empty runs, although a few icy spots here and there. The snow was already starting to melt off the trees when I took this photo riding the Sunshine Lift to the top.

While giving a friend a ride home this evening, I saw a cute little bear walking through the neighborhood. Technically I did not take this photo since I was driving. My friend took it.


I also saw three huge elk while driving back home but it was darker then and I couldn't get photo of them. It was a good night for wildlife sightings :)
Practice Easter Egg hunt with my grandsons... The butterfly found this egg :)

This week on our Walk1000Miles project we walked 37.07 miles (4832 feet elevation gain, walking on 6 days, total of 18 hours walking) . Today I wanted to do a 10+ mile walk along the coast because the weather was beautiful, but we only made it half way and took the bus home.

This photo is from on the South West Coast Path today, looking down to Seatown where we gave up and walked up to the main road and got the bus. To continue we would have climbed that big hill and continued for 5 more miles. Gorgeous day! When we got home I looked at my spreadsheet and realized we had walked a lot this week. No wonder I didn't have the energy today.

Today's walk took us through cows! This field didn't have cows the last time we walked through it. They were young and male and one of them licked my arms and chewed on my backpack!! In this photo, he is right behind me. And we had to climb a gate to get out because the farmer had tied it closed! Still, lovely walk.

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The Golden Gate Bridge, viewed from outside the Legion of Honor Museum, where we went this morning to see the Monet exhibit. The show was okay, but it was so crowded and noisy in the museum that we really had a better time enjoying the beautiful views outdoors.
Today, for some reason, is Earth Day. Happy Birthday to you!
From today's hike, near Timna Valley, southern tip of Israel.

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The building on the right with the garden is the BnB we stayed in 2013. There used to be a dog in the window overlooking the canal and all the tourist boats stopped to take his photo. He was also in a movie.
A beautiful city but we were there during a heat wave!
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