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San Lorenzo Market Stalls...a thing of the past in Florence?


500+ Posts

I stumbled upon this article tonight. I don't know how I feel about this! It's one of the things I love to do in Florence; wander through the stalls. I know a lot of the items are not made in Italy, but it's still fun and I know you can find "the real deal" from many of the sellers. I wonder if this will be permanent? Many of the leather purses, coats, etc have their shops behind the stalls as well. Your thoughts?
Are they moving ALL the stalls, or just some? And I'm confused about the having a "better view for the basilica" - are the talking about the ugly, unfinished exterior of San Lorenzo? I've never found it to be particularly attractive, or is that just me?
Hello Mindy,
I suspect that even if stalls are forced to move off a section of the street so an electric bus can wiggle through, the stall owners will regroup and find other places to set up….I have no doubt they will survive, maybe just in a different configuration! The resiliency of people who own similar stalls here in Rome amazes me.
Judy (Diva Cucina) thinks they are only moved from right in front of the church but that most of the stalls are still there! Let's hope so :rolleyes:

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