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Trenitalia piloting new contactless tap payment feature for regionale train tickets


100+ Posts
Excellent news: Trenitalia is piloting a new contactless card payment feature on selected ticket validation machines between the stations of Verona Porta Nuova and Venezia Santa Lucia. The tap & tap program can be used exclusively to buy one single ticket per contactless card (Visa, Mastercard or American Express) for second class travel on unreserved Regionale and Regionale Veloce trains between those cities. The passenger must tap the card both at the departure and arrival stations. Only the standard fare will be offered (no child's fare), and multiple tickets cannot be purchased.

Being a pilot program, I expect that it will over time be extended to Trenitalia's entire network of regionale trains.

Note that Trenitalia Freccia and Intercity reserved trains are excluded.

Read details on the Trenitalia website. Search under tap & tap.

I haven't used it to buy many tickets yet but the Trenitalia app on my iPhone supports Apple Pay.

I was able to buy a ticket which is stored there, Torino to Milano Centrale for July.

I believe you get better fares if purchasing in advance so it may be worth setting up a Trenitalia account and buying tickets in advance, if your dates are firmed up.
There's this report in Italian that tapping a credit card at the turnstile works for the Leonardo Express between Rome Fiumicino Airport and Roma Termini station: https://romamobilita.it/it/media/im...mento-digitale-biglietto-sul-leonardo-express . They call it Tap & Tap, but I suspect it's really Tap & Go: I don't see mention of needing to tap a card at the arrival station, and everyone on that train would be taking the same trip; there are no intermediate stops with different fares. I also think people traveling together would need to use different cards.
Strictly about the Leonardo Express Rome airport train, I was continuing to wonder about the need to tap on arrival; I saw one article saying it was needed, but on the Trenitalia page on Tap&Tap https://www.trenitalia.com/it/informazioni/tap-and-tap.html footnote 1 says

non sarà in questo caso necessario effettuare il TAP nel momento della discesa

or it isn't necessary to tap on leaving the train. One could think one might as well tap on arrival so you aren't charged for an infinite ride, but in this case you'd be checking in a second time, and risk being charged for a second trip.
There should be no need to tap a second time upon arrival at Termini station, because the LdaV airport train runs exclusively between FCO airport and Termini, nonstop.

THE ONLY EXCEPTION is if the train proceeds on to Florence or Naples, where you definitely would need to tap upon alighting at Termini station.
Yesterday we used Tap&Tap on the Leonardo Express from FCO to Termini. The turnstile/gate farthest to the right says Carte di credito/Credit cards over it; as indicated in the page I linked, my wife and I needed to use different credit cards, which we held over the reader to open the gate. At ticket inspection, we showed the cards to the conductor, who had the last 4 digits of the cards used on her device.

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