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Vicenza instead of Verona?


1000+ Posts
We'll be arriving in Verona late afternoon, seeing an opera, then spending 2 nights - right now we're booked in Verona for those 2 nights. On our second day we'll take a daytrip somewhere - we've been to Verona before and expect it will be very crowded due to the opera season, and summer in general. I asked on a different thread about advice for a daytrip, and Vicenza seems to be the most likely choice - so then of course I wondered - should we just stay in Vicenza for both nights, avoiding the congestion of Verona altogether? My only concern is how late the trains will run because we'll need to get back to Vicenza after the opera - unless we drove, which doesn't even seem like an option for me! Thoughts?
Hi Barb & Art,
I guess you will need to check the train schedule before making your choice. I prefer less crowded but then it might be late and you may want to just head off to bed, quickly. 6 of one, half a dozen of the other!

My biggest concern is the train. One would think they'd have the trains running late after the operas, but I certainly wouldn't assume that! The train ride from Vicenza to Verona is so short, and I expect we'll be on somewhat of a 'high' after leaving the opera, so that part wouldn't bother me. In addition to being (possibly? probably?) less crowded, I also thought staying in Vicenza would give us the opportunity to see the Palladio villa just outside of town since we'd have our car. But....I do have a nice apartment reserved in Verona, so maybe I'm just making more work for myself......

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