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Weather Info for Italy


100+ Posts
Which weather forecast app/site do you find the most accurate for Italy .... Il Meteo, Acuweather, Weather Channel , others?
I use mostly ilMeteo but it will depend on what location. With all of the mountains I have found that the forecasts (for any site) can change almost hourly when the conditions are unstable.
Which weather forecast app/site do you find the most accurate for Italy .... Il Meteo, Acuweather, Weather Channel , others?
I usually use the French site tameteo, which gives a near-hourly forecast, including rain milimeter and wind velocity forecast for the 14 days to come.
Thought I'd throw in a note about how variable the weather can be from year to year. We were in the hills near Lucca from the third week of May until the first week of July. We slept under a comforter the entire time. We never once closed the shutters or did anything else to keep the house cool during the day. In fact, we had the house bathed in light the entire day and shut the windows at night to stay warm. The fans were never plugged in. Even better, for the first time in a decade or more (think that a new breed of mosquito showed up about then??), we were able to sit on the patio and not be drained of our blood -- in 7 weeks, had about 5 bites. In past years, we usually begin dripping sweat in early June, close the house up like a tomb during the sun hours, and keep the local shops busy buying repellent and after-bite. In fairness, there was one hot spell in Lucca (into the low 90's, briefly), but we were on a side trip to the Canary Islands where it was in the 70's, so all good.

We're headed back in September, so sure there will be a reversion to the mean that will punish us.
Now that I’m here for 5 months I still rely on the weather app on my iPhone . Meteo is getting it wrong 90% of the time here in the mountains .They predict rain but the sun is shining!! We are in a drought ! No rain here in 6 weeks!
As Alpinista friend said it was pretty perfect temps this year all of June until a few days ago as we are experiencing African Sahara dry heat so the weatherperson on TV is reporting! It’s 87 but pretty dry in Lucca and 85 here in the mountains as I type . With my ceiling fans going plus all the windows closed it’s 72 in the house ! Perfect!! Cool low 60’s at nite!! Great for sleeping!!

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