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ST GTGs Trivia


Forums Admin
In another thread Dale and Cheryl were talking about the first SlowTrav GTGs. They were in October 2001, in Tuscany. Steve and I rented a house from TuscanHouse for 3 weeks, near Pienza. The first GTG was small - the Sutherlands, Dale and his wife, and I don't remember the other couple. This group could not make the big lunch which was scheduled for the next week.


The big GTG lunch was the next week, at the same place, and was catered by TuscanHouse (Zak and Gary). I don't remember everyone in that photo. I see Marilyn and Bruce from Seattle. Bruce is at the head of the table - Gary behind him - Zak in front on the left - my Steve on the right in the middle. Who else is in this photo? Judith from Umbria came late so was not in the photo. Same with Cheryl.


Does anyone else have old ST GTG photos? 12 1/2 years ago - wow!
I probably have some pictures from the Picnic in the Redwoods GTGs ... we tried to remember to take a group shot each year. I will look!
I am going to Tuscany next week and I looked up notes and photos to see the last time we were there - September 2003!! Most of our Tuscany travel was from 1996 - 2001.

In 2003 we spent a couple of weeks in Levanto (Liguria), then stopped for 3 nights in San Quirico (Tuscany) before going to Rome. We had a big SlowTrav GTG in San Quirico. This was the first time I met Barb and Art, Rebecca, Joanna - and many more.

Here are some photos.

Starting on the left I see friends from Rome (Steph and Cesare), Barb and Rebecca at the end of the table, Ann Reavis (who we saw a few days ago) on the left of Rebecca, Charity's husband and Charity, Joanna and a friend of Joanna's I think.


Charity, Pauline, Joanna


Barb and Art


Judy Witts (Diva) and Bill Sutherland.


A much younger Pauline (no grey!!) and Cristina from Expats.


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Those photos are not the San Quirico GTG! They are the Chianti one that Cristina organized but couldn't come to because she was ill. When was the San Quirico one? I will look it up.
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Those photos are not the San Quirico GTG! They are the Chianti one that Christina organized but couldn't come to because she was ill. When was the San Quirico one? I will look it up.
Yes, we'd just arrived in Italy a few days earlier and we were late because we overslept! And the next day Pauline called us to tell us the entire country was blacked out! (which is when and how we discovered our favorite pizzeria!) I wish I had some pics, but I don't.

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