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Advice on specialist food tour operators?


New Member
Hi there, I just wondered if anyone knows of any specialist food/wine tour operators in France, particularly with a focus on local producers/organic produce. I would love to work in this area so am looking to contact places for any voluntary or paid opportunities. Any tips or advice very much appreciated! Thanks, Melanie
I can think of a few people you might contact to get information.

Jennifer runs the blog Chez Lou Lou. She is an expat American who has lived in France a long time and I think is involved with Paris by Mouth who do food tours. There is contact information on her blog.

It is a long shot because he is very popular and may not respond, but David Lebovitz is an American expat living in Paris and writing about food.

Kate Camont lives in southern France and does cooking classes and tours I think. I know of her through Judy Witts - Divina Cucina - from Italy.

Maybe others will have more ideas. Consider finding bloggers from France, tour operators, organic producers by googling and writing to them to ask for contacts or suggestions.

And what about that WWOOF movement? Live and work on organic farms. Have you tried them?

Good luck!!
Thanks very much for all the suggestions on both forums Pauline and Keith, I'm in the process of following them all up! I've already had really helpful replies from Shannon at Grapehops and Kathy at European Experiences.
Dear MelanieG, This past year I had the chance of touring with a great young guide named Preston Mohr. I was lucky enough to do a Champagne tasting with him in Paris. His knowledge of all things in a glass was very impressive. He operates tours of various types. I think that wine and Champagne may be his specialty. He operates the website www.parisbytheglass.com where you could find more information about what he has to offer. Just an added idea to the many options that are available to enjoy all food and drink in Paris and France. Hope this was a help. Michael

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