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All places mapped by Google Street View

Thanks! I love Google Street View.

I recently found an option in Google Maps on my iPad that shows which streets in a place have Street View. That makes it much easier to use because you can go right to what you want to look at.

Jerusalem is well covered. The blue lines are the streets with Street View.

Jerusalem is well covered. The blue lines are the streets with Street View.

Yes - Israel is almost completely covered, although there are areas that are not, which I suppose are for security reasons. What IS disappointing in the Google Maps coverage of Israel, is that the "Satellite" View layer is of poor resolution, and no "3D" view - again, because of security reasons.
Yes indeed, I just used it myself to figure out how to walk from our Airbnb to the Bus Station in Turin!
I'll give you a real life example of how helpful Google street view can be. A number of years ago we rented an apartment in Nice. We were supposed to land at noon, but due to flight delays, we did not land until midnight. The cab driver drove down our unlit street where there were no street numbers. Since I had viewed the street on Google maps, I recognized our building and told him to stop.

Without Google maps we could have still been searching for the apartment years later! :p
I really enjoy using Google street view. Fun to see where I'm staying and surrounding areas. Recently I signed up for a food tour in Paris and I wanted to see how far from my hotel is the meeting point. It'll be my first time ever to Paris and I'll be solo for a few days so I want to be sure I show up on time for my tour! Looks like an easy-ish 10 minute stroll.

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