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An old-timer

Ken B.

10+ Posts
My nams is Ken, I'm an American from North Carolina, and I've been living near Saint-Aignan in the Loire Valley for the last 14 years. I was a regular on the Slow Travel France forum for a decade or so. I don't travel a lot now, at age 68, but I speak French and love living here. I'm sure I will enjoy this forum.
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Welcome, Ken. We still remember you and your wonderful hospitality when we visited you in Saint-Aignan. FWIW, we were staying with Karen and Craig at La Barauderie, one of Chris' and our favorite places.
ooooh, I love seeing all the familiar experts together again! You all have helped and inspired me over the years. It kind of feels like the Cheers! bar around here these days. I like it!
I remember how helpful you were when we visited the Loire Valley some years ago and patiently answered all my questions and gave me tips for some wonderful 'off the beaten track' places.
Hi Ken. I enjoy yours' and Walt's blogs every day. Our very first week in France was spent in a gite at Selles sur Cher and we stopped in St Aignan one day and walked up the stairs to the chateau. We were still marvelling that this average couple from Australia could be there seeing this. There must be lots of people who envy your lives there in the lovely Loire Valley. I know we do.
Hi Ken: Welcome back !
I was thinking Ken, Ken, Ken, … Ken who?
St Aignan, yes !
You and we once had a very nice lunch in a ferme-auberge near St Aignan. I don't remember the lunch, except the killer goat cheese. And the killer horse flies (?) that leave a week-long welt.

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