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Another New Old Member


New Member
(I saw someone had used the title "New old member") I was very active years ago on the Italy forum, then somehow quit using the site tho I continued to travel, spending a lot of time - 3 month stays in Florence plus traveling to other places. now we want to spend a few weeks in France, but not sure just where so I'm looking for ideas!
We are also "old members", going back to the :old" Slow Travel M/B.
We used to spend 3 to 4 weeks at a time either on the road or renting an apartment
That was some time ago, now all these years later we are happy that we did our Europe travel when we did, walking has become a real problem,
So all of "you guys" who can still do the walking, ENJOY it while you can
Cruising has become our travel ....
Hi Pauline
Hi Daniel! Weren’t you at the very first SlowTrav GTG in Italy, October 2001? It was a small one before the bigger one the week after.

I’m slowing down too these days.
No not us....
It's nice to see that the M/B is still active
Walking has become a problem for me...so now we "Cruise"
I'm glad we did all that "back then" I encourage people to do it while you can
Also, I don't know if you are aware, there are lots of videos of walking through cities, many of Paris
I'm addicted and I can watch for hours.....

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She Left No Note, Lake Iseo Italy Mystery 1 by J L Crellina
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