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April Fools - Did you get caught?


Forums Admin
I fell for two April Fools jokes today.

The first was in the Guardian - Jeremy Clarkson joins Guardian drive for fossil fuel divestment. Jeremy Clarkson hosts a BBC TV show about cars called Top Gear (I have never seen it) and everyone has been talking this week about him being fired by the BBC after hitting his producer (it was a "fracas" - what a word!!).

Reading The Guardian on my Kindle over breakfast, I totally fell for this and started reading it out loud to Steve. Half way through I realized why it was so hilarious - because it was made up. Clarkson lives in Oxfordshire, near the Cotswold town of Chipping Norton, and is part of what they call "the Chipping Norton set" which includes our current prime minister, David Cameron.

The second one I read on Facebook this morning and did not even realize it was a joke until they posted that it was April Fool. The Local France - Paris bistros crack down on loud-mouthed tourists. I read the headline, but did not click through for the article and drifted off thinking that I really do laugh very loudly and Europeans probably find it annoying. I remember once in Rome, an Italian we were having dinner with pointing at a group of American women in the restaurant and saying they had a "fat laugh", so I could believe the French would want us to talk quietly.


Any other good ones?
Well, on a great CBC show called Under the Influence, the host was describing "niche"markets. It sounded so real but weird. The popular Hunter boots that were originally made for mucking around horses but women who have never been around a stable wear them. Full disclosure, I have a pair of basic ones. Anyway, they've come out with a new design. He's sure what with the popularity of the label, there will be a market for TOELESS HUNTER BOOTS.

Also Richard Branson has teamed up with I forget what company to improve our in flight comfort. You can tell your seat what temp you want such as Cancun mid day and presto that's what it feels. Not so far fetched.

There was more.

Another one, you'll appreciate Pauline, is that companies have learned how to make it rain fragrances associated with their brands. Haha. Shoot me if that ever comes to pass.
Told with the announcer's inimitable serious style.
In the US companies are using fragrances in shops, airports, etc for their brands! Maybe not raining down, but they are being diffused. No joke, unfortunately.

LA Times - For branding, many places adopt signature scents, April 18 2014
Between the bouncy music and the stacks of colorful jeans, visitors to the Benetton store on Chicago's Michigan Avenue might catch a whiff of a growing marketing trend. Mounted high in the corner beside the store entrance, a scent diffuser, installed in November, spreads a bright spring fragrance modeled after Benetton's Verde cologne.
I need an emoticon for vomit!!! Yes some of his examples were very close to reality. Apparently some companies used these as their own April Fools jokes and they were so popular they found a way to actually use the. Example Eagle Beagle a line of matching human and dog clothing from Eagle brand. Double vomit!
You'll let me know when the first toeless Hunter boots hit The Cotswolds:)
I thought the selfie shoe was pretty funny; I saw it featured on a local TV news program this morning. On the news station they didn't pretend it was real, but they did say they wouldn't be surprised if someone really does decide to market them!
I like that selfie shoe!!

I have never seen a selfie stick in person - maybe they haven't made it out to our corner of the woods.
Selfie Sticks were everywhere when we were in Rome. Street vendors kept trying to sell them to us. I had no idea what they were until someone demonstrated. You gotta be kidding. I laughed and walked away.
At home there's a little controversy about whether they should be allowed in certain places.

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