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CNN article: Italy's Santa Maria Novella: The ancient perfume store you've never heard of

Funny to see this article here because I am very anti-perfume-scents-fragrance. I don't think there products are all that natural but would love to be proved wrong. If the ingredients list "parfum", "perfume" or "fragrance" without an * saying derived from plant products, then they are most likely a mix of possible toxic chemicals used to enhance the fragrance.

I have two articles on my blog about fragrances: Fragrance-free Flights Please and Fragrance-Free Vacation Rentals Please, both with links to articles about how fragrances are made these days. Fifty years ago it was a different story, but since then the fragrance industry has changed to use many chemicals in common household and body care products.

But then, when has the Catholic Church ever done things to harm us? Hummm...
Interesting that this article is under the Money header, because S M de N is soooooo incredibly over the top in prices. I'm not certain about this, but under the story is the tag "promoted stories" so I am thinking this MAY be a paid-for plug my St M de N. (You know me, Wendy, I am just such a curmedgeonly cynic.)

Unlike you, Pauline, I'm not so anti-scent (although thanks to you I no longer use fabric softener, etc). But after my first few visits to Italy I ditched Santa Maria Novella for a different line of Italian products, L'Erbolario, http://www.erbolario.com/it/.

I haven't checked so very closely, but I believe their scents are more natural than most. I love their Te Verde scent, and wonderful olive oil hand cream. S M de N does have wonderful foot cream that I could be tempted into buying if I were there. Feels great on your feet after a few hours of cobblestones.
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Sorry about that, Pauline. You can remove my post if you would like, it will not hurt my feelings. I just thought that the topic was appropriate for the Italy section, not thinking about you and your reactions to chemicals, scents and odors natural and not.

I use SMN's rose water as my toner, their soap for hand soap and one of their scents. I have recently gone through allergy testing and I was allergic to many things and scents were some of them, but not the ones I use from SMN ;-), luckily.

Of course, Pauline, I would not use any scent if I know/knew we were to meet again.
No need to remove the post (removing posts is not something I want to do on this forum) - I understand that most people are fine with fragrances and love those Santa Maria Novella products. It is not an allergy to fragrances though, but a sensitivity to the chemicals in them. You don't get a typical allergic reaction, but instead feel sick and the theory is that they harm people even when they don't notice them.

There was an interesting radio show about all this today on BBC Radio 4. You don't hear much about chemical sensitivities in the UK. All the articles that I read are out of the US.

BBC Radio 4 - Allergic to the 21st Century (30 minutes)

Description of the program: Every day we're exposed to a multitude of man-made chemicals in the food we eat, the air we breathe and the products we clean our homes and wash our bodies with. For some people, like journalist Jane Little, the burden can be almost too much to bear. Certain chemicals trigger extreme physical reactions, leaving her ill and exhausted for days at a time. It's a debilitating condition for her and many thousands of fellow sufferers. Some estimates suggest that 15% of the American population believe they experience ill effects from domestic chemicals.

The trouble is that most members of the medical establishment in the US and the UK refuse to accept that Multiple Chemical Sensitivity is a disease. It's not a straightforward allergy and there's no diagnostic test or clearly defined treatment programme. So what is Jane actually suffering from? To find out she takes a global road trip from the foothills of Cumbria to the deserts of Arizona.

Jane suffered her first extreme reaction whilst staying on the family farm in Cumbria. Exposed, alongside her father, to the cocktail of disinfectants used during the Foot and Mouth outbreak of 2001, she believes this could be the origin of her condition. In Texas she meets clinicians who say that they can explain MCS with a new theory of disease whilst in Arizona she drops in on a community that's retreated completely from a chemically-based society. Living in self-built homes stripped of plastics and petro-chemicals they discourage visitors tainted by perfumes, deodorants and detergents.

Producer: Alasdair Cross.
Step 2 - fragrance-free laundry soap :)

Pauline, I've always looked for fragrance-free laundry soap. Not that I'm particularly sensitive in the sense you mean, I just think those scents are cheap and crummy smelling. :(
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