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Guess this photo - April 2017

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Guess where this is!

Ann probably knew that I would recognize the market in Nyons. That's where you get the best olives in France.
This is obviously from the same country, different region. It was taken a few years ago; perhaps the cleaning is further along by now.
That's not Reims cathedral is it?
No, it's not as well known as Reims. In fact, I can't recall having heard of it before my husband said he wanted to stop there.
Beauvais Cathedral? I think...
Saw a show a couple years ago on PBS and googled the show...
sure enough it sure looks like it.
Exactly right, Colo. Saint-Pierre de Beauvais was built in the 13th century with the idea that it would be the tallest and most splendid cathedral ever. Unfortunately its buttresses were too thin to support its weight and it partially collapsed before it was finished. Here's another photo of the interior showing how it has had to be propped up inside. But it is still pretty spectacular and definitely worth a visit. It's not far from Amiens, which is another magnificent Gothic cathedral, and if I recall correctly, now holds the title of the tallest intact cathedral.

The Cathedrals of Europe are so beautiful and truly a wonder.
However, I am going to change it up and post a picture that is ugly and makes me wonder how.
Four different sports fields. A running track. Soccer nets. And what are those white buildings around the edge? Or is it fence? Graffiti. Things don't look well maintained. Overcast sky. Is this in the U.K.?
I reckon a motor racing circuit, the road looking maintained, but with what was the winners podium in disrepair. Possibly a big historic venue that may have no more need of the old podium such as Spa (I see a few trees!)?
Do you think that bit in front of the "podium" is for cars? I thought it was a field, but now that I look more carefully I see it is part of the track - but for runners I think.
Hi Pauline
No, for the 3 winning drivers :)
Pauline - no not England, and Ian you are correct the track is for cars.
Looking at the orange graffiti, it appears to end in ....mmer - not sure how much of a clue that is, but the 'soil' looks remarkably sandy, so let's take a another guess at Zaandvoort, once home to the Dutch Grand Prix and on the coast.
Zaandvoort it is not, and I should have credited you with another partial correct answer - it was a historic venue.
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