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Guess this photo - October 2017

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I will start with a photo that I took off our TV set and I don't know where it is. It is used on some SKY series and I see it all the time. Where is this?

The church on the hill looks a bit like some of the scenes from Montalbano, so is it somewhere in Sicily?
Bit of speculative online digging - I think it's the entrance to the Vieux Port at Marseille.
Ah, I knew I recognised it, but couldn't place it. Yes, definitely - I've walked around the fort (Fort St-Jean) on the left, and up to the church on the hill (Basilique Notre-Dame de la Garde: a super-ornate 19th-century confection). so I really should have got it...
If you know the iconography, the city isn't hard to identify - but where in particular?
Bingo! I took it thinking it might fox people on this thread, but evidently not. Your turn!
Those are the Kelpies sculptures near Falkirk, Scotland. They represent the era of horse powered heavy industry in Scotland's past, and particularly in that area.
Those are the Kelpies sculptures near Falkirk, Scotland. They represent the era of horse powered heavy industry in Scotland's past, and particularly in that area.
yes! Aren't they amazing. One of the most awe inspiring places I've even been.

Yes, Mindy! you paid attention on your Scottish trip! ;))
I was just there last month for a visit
I went to college there: it still feels like home.
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