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How to - Post Trip Reports


Forums Admin
Trip reports are good for both the reader and the writer. Travelers love to read the details of other peoples trips to help plan their own trips and for the enjoyment of reading about travel. The traveler writing the trip report keeps track of interesting details that might be forgotten as time goes by. I encourage everyone to post trip reports.

To post a trip report find the trip report forum for the country you are writing about - e.g. Italy Trip Reports. Start a new thread with the title of your trip. Some people post while they are traveling, adding a new post each day or two. Others write the report after the trip. It is easiest to read if you break it up into sections, creating a new post on the thread for each section.

Photos make the trip come alive for readers. You have two options for posting photos.

1. In the post, put your cursor where you want the photo to be. Click the ATTACH FILES button and navigate to the photo on your computer. The forum software uploads the photo to our server and formats it. You then select “display full size” and the photo is put into your post.
>> You can also drag and drop photos from a folder into your post. Or copy and paste.

2. In the Media section (see tabs at top of forums), create a photo album for your trip. Upload all your photos. For each photo you will see SHARE BB CODE - copy this and paste it into your post where you want the photo to be.
>> OR once all your photos are uploaded into an album, click the MEDIA GALLERY EMBED icon (looks like a camera) and you will see all your photos. Select the one to add.

Option 1 is fastest, but option 2 lets you add more photos and then select the ones to appear in your posts.

If copying your trip report from somewhere else on the web you can copy and paste the text. For photos, right click on the largest version of the photo, and download to your computer. Then upload it to the post. If you copy and paste the photo when you do the text, the photo links to the website you are copying from.

EDIT YOUR POSTS (unlimited time)
You have unlimited time to edit posts and images. Normally users can only change their posts for 120 minutes after posting. You can delete your trip report threads if you no longer want them on the website.

If you are writing your trip report on your blog or website or someplace else online, you don't have to copy it here. Start a post for your trip report and link to your blog so we can read it there.

Don't feel you have to do a long report to post here. If you don't have the time, just post a quick summary of your trip.

Click the Contact button at the bottom of the page to send me a message and I will help you figure it out.

Thanks for posting!
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Hi Pauline, this is wonderful. I enjoyed doing my trip report for Lisbon and so I want to do a new one for my Camino de Santiago adventure (to be followed by my Barcelona, Catalonia) Post Camino adventures.

I always enjoy reading about other travelers experiences and I enjoy sharing what I'm experiencing. I leave in September and will start a thread before I leave. Thanks so much for allowing us to post here on Slow Europe.
I'm tempted to re-post here the ones I put on SlowTrav....?

(And what about the maps created there? I think I did a couple)
I have found a way to "capture" the trip reports on ST, so if that gets shut down and someone wants the text from their old trip report, I have it for them.

Yes, please post any trip reports from ST here on the Trip Reports forum.

Google Maps! I haven't thought of that system in awhile. Steve created that. Everything has changed with Google Maps. Let me think how we could best approach that. It might be that you create the Google Map in your Google account and then we embed it here. I use Google Maps in my Day Trips to show location with the option of opening the map in the Google Maps system and copying my marker to your google map.
I can't publish them because they are owned by IB and the writer, but if the writer wants to put them in the Trip Reports forum I can help them do that.
Pauline, you are a sneaky sleuth! I love that you were able to "capture" the information from ST....you could work for Detectives Hardy and Miller :)

I've saved my 4 (I think it's 4) trip reports from ST so I will post them here ASAP.

Thanks so much!
Being able to post our trip reports here is one in the eye for Internet Brands - I love it! I've saved the information from all of mine so will gradually be adding it here. It will keep me out of mischief when I've nothing to do
I saved my 4 trip reports (one more of a travel note) as PDF's. most are between 10-16 pages long. Would I "attach" that pdf "link" and start a new thread? or save them as a Word Document?


Start a new thread and cut and paste the trip reports in from a Word document. You could add photos too, if you have some. Thanks! Email me (or FB message) if you need any help.
Trip Reports are no longer visible on ST. I have a copy of all trip reports and have been working with a few members to copy them to the Trip Report forums.

If you are interested in posting old trip reports and don't have a copy of them, send me a message and I will get you a copy.

If you would like me to post the trip report for you, send me a message.

Older trip reports are still a valuable resource for travelers. Please post your old trip reports if you would like to see them here! Thanks!
How can I create my own album? I can not see any bottom "create an album." I just see "add media".

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Hi Alexander, it looks like you figured it out. You posted the album Russia to Europe.

Once you click ADD MEDIA, you get the option to upload to an album. First you choose the category - all albums are assigned to categories. If you select an album category, then you put in the name of your album and upload your photos.
I bookmarked so many France trip reports and forum strings from Slow Travel. It pains me to have lost all that good information. I hope you can transfer many of the trip reports to Slow Europe.

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