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I need urgent info about upcoming train strikes, specifically for October 5th, please!!!


New Member
I was SMJ here for years but have re-registered today under a new name, as the site was not recognising me anymore! :O

There is a definite nationwide Italian public transport strike on October 5th, except for high speed trains (from what I can make out).
We have trenitalia Frecciargento tickets Lecce to Caserta that day, and I'm presuming that train is exempt as it is high speed?

On the same booking, we then transfer the same day to trenitalia regionale 5777 Caserta to Napoli.
This is the train I am concerned about.
Would anyone have knowledge if this second trip will be cancelled?
Or is it exempt as it is trenitalia, not a smaller company?

I know about the official Italian gov't strike notice website, but even in English it is not very clear at all.

If I can find out definite information asap, I can cancel our Naples hotel and rebook one in Caserta for the 5th, traveling to Naples Airport the next morning on either the airport bus from Caserta or by trenitalia to Napoli Centrale.
My urgency is that I need to cancel the Naples hotel asap if necessary, before they take payment!
I'm leaving home in a week and want to fix all these this week, not while I am in Italy at the last minute!

Many thanks to anyone with on the ground knowledge!
Does GAC still post here?
He is a fount of Italian transport knowledge.
What is your source for there being this strike? At the transportation ministry's strike site https://scioperi.mit.gov.it/mit2/public/scioperi If the sector is ferroviario (rail) I see nothing scheduled for Oct. 5. There are strikes for that date in Trasporto pubblico locale or city transit services.

The general answer about rail strikes is that it depends which unions are calling them and how much adherence to them there is in a given area. Typically there isn't a complete shutdown of Regionali, but one train might be cancelled and the next one on that route will run. On the rather short Caserta-Naples route, some of the trains would probably run. At least from what I can see for Oct. 5, your train would run, but there might be a problem with a city bus in Naples.
Thanks, Andrew.
I’ve seen that info on the site.
I understood that Regionale trains in some areas will only run between 6-9am and after 6pm to allow people to get to and from work.
On the Trenitalia website it says in case of strike, and in that section shows all the numbers of guaranteed regional trains in case of a strike.
My train is 5777, and is not listed.
The only urgency to get to Naples on Oct 5th is that my friend has a flight home from Naples at 11:00 on the 6th.
If the ATC airport buses are not included in the strike, we can get one of those to Naples after arriving in Caserta at about 14:00 from Lecce.
That would be a good option.
If not, we’ll have to hang out till the first guaranteed train at 19:07, I believe it is the first.

All the information I have amassed so far is conflicting!
I have now reserved a “backup” hotel in Caserta for the 5th, just in case.
There’s a train at 06:15 or so to Naples then.
Being a Sunday, it’s the only choice.
It will be fine, and if not, will be a good travel story.
Thanks again.
The only announced strikes which I see for October 5 at the moment are for local city transport.

Were there to be a train strike, the official Trenitalia list of guaranteed trains shows departures from Caserta to Napoli Centrale in the evening at 19,07, 19,30 and 20,07. There are also trains from Caserta to Napoli Campi Flegrei during the 18-21 time frame.

I see guaranteed Trenitalia Frecciargento departures from Lecce to Caserta and Roma Termini at 6,05, 11,15 and 17,15. I assume that you're booked on one of the morning trains to Caserta.

You could visit the Royal Palace of Caserta while waiting for your guaranteed evening train to Napoli Centrale. It's quite worthwhile.
Thank you.
We are booked on the Frecciargento 8312 at 09:41 from Lecce which I understand being high speed so guaranteed?
We will just get to Caserta then see what’s running and what is not.
We’ll have our luggage to keep with us if we stay for hours till the next train, but I’m hoping the ATC airport buses are running that day.
There is one scheduled at 10 past every hour till early evening, and that would get us into Naples.
They leave from just beside the rail station.
Your Frecciargentio train from Lecce to Caserta does not appear on the list of guaranteed trains. Consequently, if there were to be a TRAIN strike, your train MIGHT be canceled. Just because it is a high speed train does not automatically mean that it is guaranteed to operate. You would be placed on one of the later high speed trains, space permitting.

But as of today, no train strike for October 5has been called, so you are speculating at this point.

However, the airport bus which you reference might indeed not operate on October 5, as it may fall under the category of local bus transport.
I found a number to call for help in English on the Trenitalia website.
In only 10 minutes I was connected to a very helpful lady who said they only receive strike notices a week prior to one, and to call back 7 days beforehand to check if your trains are running that day.
If it is then deemed an official strike, you will be (if there is room) put onto the next available train.
She knew about the public transport strike, but had no notice of anything affecting Trenitalia services as yet for October 5th.
She said customers with booked tickets will not be emailed or otherwise notified of strikes, it’s up to them to call to check.
Hey, I had a similar situation last year.High-speed trains like Frecciargento are usually exempt from strikes, so you should be fine thereBut the regional train to Naples might be affected – they often get hit by strikesI’d book the hotel in Caserta just to be safe.Also, try calling Trenitalia directly – the website isn’t always updated.It might save you some stress.Good luck and hope it works out!
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I see discussion of the strike 5 October in local media here in Rome and on the Ministero website as well. @OrangeCat, you're wise to make contingency plans!
But Sandra, are you seeing mention of this as a Trenitalia strike? I've looked just now at the ministry site and see nothing for the 5th except for local transportation, and I think this whole thread is based on an inaccurate premise. One media page in Italian https://lentepubblica.it/cittadini-e-imprese/sciopero-trasporti-ottobre-2024/ just mentions it for local transit. There is mention of a strike against Trenitalia on Oct. 13, starting at 9 p.m. on the 12th, and there are generally rules against having strikes in the same category too close together.
Hello Andrew! I take your point. The ministry website refers to local transportation strikes all over the country, but as you note there is nothing specific about Trenitalia itself. I might be over-reacting and assuming it will cascade and affect all kinds of transportation. Especially since it's a Friday.
But Sandra, are you seeing mention of this as a Trenitalia strike? I've looked just now at the ministry site and see nothing for the 5th except for local transportation, and I think this whole thread is based on an inaccurate premise. One media page in Italian https://lentepubblica.it/cittadini-e-imprese/sciopero-trasporti-ottobre-2024/ just mentions it for local transit. There is mention of a strike against Trenitalia on Oct. 13, starting at 9 p.m. on the 12th, and there are generally rules against having strikes in the same category too close together.

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