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Itinerary for10 days in Spain and Portugal


New Member
My husband and I are going to arrive in Madrid on Oct. 29. We plan to see Granada and Seville.
We have to be in Lisbon on Nov. 4 and return to the U.S. on Nov. 8.
Does anyone have suggestions for an itinerary including transportation between cities?
I use http://www.raileurope.com/ to look at train schedules. I am not sure if you can go from Seville to Lisbon direct. Most likely you will have to change somewhere. Have a look on Rail Europe. It might be worth asking the hotel or vacation rental where you are staying in Lisbon for advice. Let us know what you find out.

The Man in Seat 61 website is also good for train information.
It's too late for the OP, but for others searching in the future there is a bus connection between Seville and Lisbon.

It takes a long time - we drove from Lisbon to Seville in October and it took about five or six hours (with two stops along the way) but the bus takes eight hours.

More info on the bus here: https://www.alsa.es/en

Rail connections seem to require going way out of the way via Madrid and are quite expensive; a low cost flight would probably be less than the train fares I'm seeing.
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My husband and I are going to arrive in Madrid on Oct. 29. We plan to see Granada and Seville.
We have to be in Lisbon on Nov. 4 and return to the U.S. on Nov. 8.
Does anyone have suggestions for an itinerary including transportation between cities?

We will be in Madrid, Poerto, Lisbon at the same time. We are flying. Convenient and relatively inexpensive. What are your thoughts on the weather? DO NOT USE GOTOGATE for air tickets.

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Booking.com Hotels in Europe
AutoEurope.com Car Rentals

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