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Photo Hunt 2018 No. 44 - Round/Circle(s)

Kathy (Trekcapri)

100+ Posts
This week’s Photo Hunt No. Photo Hunt No. 44 – Round/Circles

A Photo Hunt 2018 category is available on the Media Gallery.

Looks like we all have come across some very odd/unusual subjects while we travel. It’s fun and interesting too.

Upcoming Photo Hunt Themes:
Week of November 11, 2018 – Photo Hunt No. 45 – Military
Week of November 18, 2018 – Photo Hunt 46 – Feast
Week of November 25, 2018 – Photo Hunt 47 – Surprise
Week of December 2, 2018 – Photo Hunt 48 – Clouds
Week of December 9, 2018 – Photo Hunt 49 – Cook/Cooking
Week of December 16, 2018 – Photo Hunt 50 – Frame/Framed
Week of December 23, 2018 – Photo Hunt 51 – My Special Place (What travel destination holds a special place in your heart.)
Week of December 30, 2018 – Photo Hunt 52 – Favorite 2018 Travel Photo (Post your favorite 2018 Travel photo)

I took this photo of the Bull Fighting ring while visiting the Castillo de Gibralfaro in Malaga, Spain.

A C15th round defensive tower in Estonia.
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The Isle of Man is well known for its collection of beautiful Celtic and Viking crosses. They vary from the simple to very elaborately carved.

This is one of the plainest crosses found at Maughold, but would hve taken a long time to carve as the whole of the background has to be carved back allowing the five bosses to stand out.
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This is the wonderful wheel cross at Braddan Old Church. The carving at the top is thought to represent Daniel in the lion's den.
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This is probably my favourite cross - the wheel cross at Lonan Old Church which is still standing in its original position in the churchyard, 1500 years after it was first carved and erected here.
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The helm of the USCG Barque Eagle (Barque is the type of boat)

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USCG Cadets manning the helm entering Savannah, GA
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The Barque Eagle

Dolly, the first cloned sheep; going round and round and round on her revolving
circular platform.
In the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh.


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