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Photo of the Day - August 2017

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I'll start this month with a photo I took this morning when walking into town. A row of cows along the river walk into Bridport.

What weather we have had these past weeks! Rain again today, a fine drizzle that lasted all day. The sun came out at 6pm. One of the lanes we walked to get into Bridport today.

We are in New Mexico, visiting our son in Santa Fe. I've been taking lots of pictures, but not much time to post any. Here are a couple from last week, of our visit to the mindblowing multimedia art installation, Meow Wolf. It's hard to communicate Meow Wolf in photographs, since it's all about an immersive experience, where everything keeps changing. But here are a couple.

The first is sort of an imaginary underwater forest. The second is inside some kind of prehistoric skeleton, whose color is constantly shifting, and where you can strike the ribs to make music. There are dozens of rooms with wild environments like these.


A couple of photos from Taos. First, the Rio Grande Gorge, over 800 feet deep. When we visited here for the first time with our kids in 1977, our 7-year-old son said about this gorge, "It's so high it scares your stomach out of its wits." Then the San Francisco de Assisi Mission Church in Ranchos de Taos, which Ansel Adams called "one of the great architectural monuments of America."


My solar film came in today and I built my homemade solar filter so I can shoot at the sun directly. This is all in preparation for the eclipse next week. The shot handheld with my Canon G-15 - need a tripod! (Settings ASA 100 1/25 F-Stop 8.0.)

Need lots of practice before next Monday. Big Camera comes out tomorrow. It amazes me I can point directly at the sun with this filter and have to shoot so slow.

1st sun shotC.jpg
I thought someone was down at our pond fishing, but it just turned out to be a couple of the locals. :)

A few more photos from Santa Fe -- these from its amazing opera house, where we saw a premiere performance of The R(e)volution of Steve Jobs. First an exterior view, then a view from inside, and finally a view of the stage, showing how the opera house is open to the outdoors (the only open-air opera house in the US). In this opera, the beautiful sunset (not yet at full color in the photo) was actually incorporated into the story. The set there represents part of the Palo Alto garage where the first Apple computer was invented, although the opera never mentions Apple by name (probably fearing lawsuits).



The tail end of some desert flowering, from this morning's walk.
Some hardy plants are still flowering at the end of summer, in spite of the extreme heat and dryness.
The first are acacia tree flowers.
The following are of capers : first of all the flower as seen this morning. The third and fourth are of a very young caper plant that managed to find a place to root in a rock - the first one is the plant at the end of February this year, the second is how it looks now. Hope to see it green again this winter...




A beautiful day on the water in Yorktown, Virginia with Grandchildren! :)

Here was the view from Fredericksburg, VA today at the peak of the eclipse. We were about 400 miles north of totality.

Great photo, Colo. How did you take it?

The eclipse was a total nothing for us. The overcast here did not lift until about an hour after the eclipse was over.
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