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Photo of the Day - May 2017

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Outside our kitchen window on this showery Tuesday afternoon in Brugge.

Work has taken me to California. After a very long flight a nice walk on the beach and the smell of the sea was just what the doctor ordered. The ice plant that lines the beaches are in full bloom. BEAUTIFUL!


Ventura Beach.jpg

A short walk today into the woods and along the coast near Golden Cap. This is St Gabriel's woods - full of bluebells and garlic flowers. Magical!

* I thought I posted this yesterday but it was sitting here not posted.

Yes! This is from today!!


Yesterday morning, the flowers were blooming and everything was green, except for some snow up left up at the top of the mountains. Today, we have over a foot of new snow! It hasn’t stopped yet and it is supposed to continue to snow through tomorrow. It's a good thing I was not flying out this morning!
Susan, where exactly are you in Colorado? My sister left yesterday to visit a friend in Montrose -- I wonder if she is having the same weather? When she left her home in North Carolina, it was around 90, so if she's having this weather it will be quite a shock!!
Susan, where exactly are you in Colorado? My sister left yesterday to visit a friend in Montrose -- I wonder if she is having the same weather? When she left her home in North Carolina, it was around 90, so if she's having this weather it will be quite a shock!!

I am in Steamboat, which is up in the mountains. I just watched the weather radar update and it looks like Montrose might be getting snow showers or rain off and on but not the snow we are getting. It will be cold for her though. I didn't mind it today because I have lots of warm clothes but coming from 90 degrees will indeed be a shock for her!
We did a beautiful walk today, along the coast and then up into the woods to see the last of the bluebells.


We had our picnic lunch on the beach.


Bluebells in Eype Down.
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