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waitrose, tesco or coop

Lisa in Ottawa

500+ Posts
OK I'm preparing to do a bulk shop online for home delivery. I think waitrose is best but would like another opinion.
We found peanut butter(for me) and almond butter (for Ron) at a chain health food store directed there by a lovely salesclerk from M and S when she heard me groan that the organic pb had oil,salt and sugar
For delivery it should come to 60 pounds. This will be all our basics. Leaning towards Waitrose
With your first online delivery you usually get some kind of discount. Look on the website. I have never done online delivery but it is popular here. A friend of mine who loves waitrose orders via Ocado who represent waitrose but have other things too.

Of those three, I would say Waitrose. My grocery shopping is split between Waitrose and The Natural Grocery in Cheltenham, but I get most of my fruit and vegetables delivered once a week from Riverford, an organic farm in Devon (and they have a farm in France).

Home delivery is a great option if you don't have a car!

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