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BOOK GIVEAWAY Italian Mystery by J. L. Crellin - CLOSED


Forums Admin
@Tina (J. L. Crellin) has offered five digital copies of her book “She Left No Note, Lake Iseo Italy Mystery 1” for Slow Europe members.


The first five members who correctly answer the skill testing questions below will be emailed a PDF or EPUB of the book. You have one chance to get all the answers and you must send your answers to me (Pauline) by Private Conversation. You can research your answers online or in travel books (or phone a friend). It doesn’t matter how you come up with your answers.

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Answer These Four Skill Testing Questions

1. Lake Iseo is one of the smaller lakes in northern Italy, situated between Lake Garda and Lake Como. What region of Italy is Lake Iseo in?
Hint: It’s not Piedmont!

2. Which two cities near Lake Iseo were the Italian Cultural Capitals in 2023?
Hint: They are provincial capitals.

3. What is the name of the large island in the middle of Lake Iseo?
Hint: The highest point is 600m above sea level.

4. In what year did Christo allow people to walk on the water across Lake Iseo between Sulzano and Peschiera Maraglio?
Hint: There are no spelling mistakes in this question!!

You must be logged into the forums to submit your answers.
Click here to send Pauline your answers - Start Conversation
Click the START CONVERSATION button (upper right) and send me a message with your answers.

About the Book​


SHE LEFT NO NOTE, Lake Iseo Italy Mystery 1, by J. L. Crellin
See the book on Amazon.com
Can we really know the ones we love? An intriguing tale of mystery and self-discovery with the peaceful beauty of Lake Iseo in Italy as a background.

Duncan is devastated by the mysterious death of his brilliant and beloved wife Caterina. When he returns to her family villa on the shores of Lake Iseo, where they first met, he is assailed with doubts about the woman he idealized for so long.

Duncan, helped by Emma, an inquisitive and enterprising real estate agent, and Mark, his troubled 24-year-old grandson, uncovers a web of secrets, at the same time beguiled by the cuisine, picturesque landscape and tranquil lifestyle of the farm above the villa.

But can Duncan trust the taciturn Gioro and good-natured Monica, or are his new friends deceiving him?

It's a mystery but a relaxing one, which centres on how the two main characters come to terms with a difficult situation, but with a touch of prosaic humour from Emma, who helps them. The book is well-written and independent reviews have been positive.

About the Author​

J.L. Crellin, born in Worcester UK, has been living in a tiny village in the Italian Alps not far from Lake Iseo ever since she first fell in love with the mountains, thirty years ago. Apart from working as a lecturer and translator she enjoys cooking for her husband and friends, growing her own vegetables and travelling. She writes the travel blog ‘Slow Travel in Italy and Spain’. She has so far published two books in the “Lake Iseo Italy Mystery series”: “She Left No Note” and “The Painter’s Legacy”.

Photos of Lake Iseo​


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The answers to the questions.

1. Lake Iseo is one of the smaller lakes in northern Italy, situated between Lake Garda and Lake Como. What region of Italy is Lake Iseo in?
Hint - It’s not Piedmont!
ANSWER Lombardy

2. Which two cities near Lake Iseo were the Italian Cultural Capitals in 2023?
Hint: They are provincial capitals.
ANSWER Brescia and Bergamo

3. What is the name of the large island in the middle of Lake Iseo?
Hint: the highest point is 600m a.s.l.
ANSWER Monte Isola (or Montisola is an acceptable answer too)

4. In what year did Christo allow people to walk on the water across Lake Iseo between Sulzano and Peschiera Maraglio?
Hint: There are no spelling mistakes in this question!!
ANSWER 2016 The Floating Piers project
The second book in this series is available. I just finished it and it was very good. A good mystery and interesting characters.

THE PAINTER’S LEGACY, Lake Iseo Italy Mystery 2 by J. L. Crellin
See the book on Amazon.com.
Can we really leave the past behind us? Prepare to once again be whisked away to the scenic shores of Italy's Lake Iseo in this captivating second installment of the Lake Iseo Mystery series.

Emma, faced with the daunting task of selling the dilapidated Villa degli Artisti, finds herself entangled in a perplexing enigma involving the disappearance of precious artwork. Who, in the shadows, pilfered the Cortesi paintings and why? And, was Lidia's demise a consequence of natural causes, or did a sinister hand guide her fate?

Supported by the ever-reliable Duncan and Mark, Emma's investigations will take her beyond Lake Iseo, all the way to the enchanting region of Puglia in search of the spectres of Lidia's past. Emma must carefully discern the real nature of those involved, sifting through layers of personas and motivations, whilst grappling with the complex dynamics and her fears about her own relationships.
Join Emma in her pursuit for the truth, against a backdrop of splendid landscapes and tantalizing local cuisine.

Goodreads review of “The Painter’s Legacy”:
So many twists and turns, more than you'd find driving through the mountains in north central Italy. And just when you think you've reached a point where the narrative moves forward, another twist. The Painter's Legacy, which I received as an Early Reviewer, is one of the best mysteries I've read in a long time. The author is a painter of words, and the sights, smells, tastes of this part of Lombardy come to life as you feast your way through the book. I heartily recommend Crellin's novel to anyone who likes mysteries, art history, or Italian settings.
4. In what year did Christo allow people to walk on the water across Lake Iseo between Sulzano and Peschiera Maraglio?
Hint: There are no spelling mistakes in this question!!
ANSWER 2016 The Floating Piers project
I saw photos of this project at the time but didn’t remember it was Lake Iseo. What a magnificent project.

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