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Guess this photo - September 2017

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Is that an optical illusion or is that house actually built into the hill?
Going with Croatia... maybe
Looks like a troglodyte village in the Loire valley. I can't remember the exact name of the village -- we visited there in the 90s.
I just looked at my old photos, and the name of the village I'm thinking of is Rochemenier, near Doue-la-Fontaine.
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The funny thing is I went back and looked at my photo albums, and I actually did take a picture of that same house, also in 2005, also after we visited Clos Lucé.

Here's another photo. The angel, for some reason looks a little weird, but the main identifying factor is the coat of arms -- one of the more unusual I've encountered.

I remember seeing troglodyte houses in Amboise, but I don't specifically remember one that looked like the photo.

I knew this!! I remember walking by it and I have a photo of it too. Serves me right for not checking this thread.

Here is my photo from 2010. No one was home when I took my photo.

Since no one seems to have a guess yet for my photo above, here is another picture from the same place -- this one of the chapel which bears the name of the owner of that coat of arms.

Right, Cameron -- it is the Colleoni Chapel in Bergamo, a wonderful town to visit, by the way. And the chapel is an amazing building, inside and out.

The coat of arms is that of 15th-century condottiero Bartolomeo Colleoni, who was very proud of the fact that he had three testicles. They are shiny on the shield because the tradition is to rub them for good luck.
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