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Guess this photo - September 2017

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Hoping someone else has a guess... I don't remember enough from trips long ago where this was. I travelled much of the Mosel and where it meets the Rhine back towards Frankfurt if that helps anyone else. Maybe another clue - Mosel or Rhine?
How about another photo -


I know I have seen this picture in some of our Rhine River Cruise literature... So I will guess Rüdesheim?
Sankt Goar maybe....
Here is the next picture for the group.
Full Disclosure... The white plaque on the wall identified the picture, so photoshop made it go away ;)

Tim you are correct.

This particular synagogue is very special.
In fact it is a one and only.
Hint: In a strange twist... An edict issued by a Roman Catholic Emperor saved this synagogue from being destroyed.
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No bites... Ok here is a shot with some of the sign returned to the picture
The picture did not draw much interest, but every picture has a story.

This synagogue in the picture was built into a row houses with very little street side acknowledgement. Surrounded and connected to many homes it sat for over 100 years unnoticed by many who passed by. Unlike many churches and synagogues which boldly stand tall in squares or the center point of a block, Stadttempel did not. The reason was that Joseph II, who was the Holy Roman Emperor and the ruler of the Habsburgs territories had decreed that only Roman Catholic Churches were allowed to have facades directly fronting city streets.

On the nights of November 9 and 10, 1938, known as Kristallnacht, the Stadttempel survived the destruction and fires set by SA thugs, who were supported by local citizens, as they destroyed 93 Synagogues and prayer houses throughout this city. Because of Joseph’s edict a century before, the building was left alone by the hooligans for fear they would burn or damage connecting homes.

Stadttempel was the only remaining Jewish house of worship in Austria in 1945. The “W” on the Stadttempel plaque is a symbol use frequently for Wien (Vienna). If one visits this city, I highly recommend the back alley tour. This is just one of many interesting places you will pass and history that is normally not discovered by many.


Next Picture Please.
Sorry no guesses forthcoming, but a very interesting story - many thanks for that Colo.
Anyone with a photo on hand to post?
I am guessing and I mean truly guessing Northern Italy?
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