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Article Update on Vacation Rentals in Paris


Forums Admin
@Doru sent me the link to this article that gives a good update on the situation with vacation rentals in Paris.

Paris Update - A Home in Paris, The Luxuries of Living in a Real Paris Apartment, September 27, 2017, by Adrian Leeds

From the article: "The Paris city laws (at the time of writing) limit rentals of primary residences to 120 days a year and of secondary properties (not the owner’s primary residence) to a minimum of one year (or nine months for students) unless the property is registered with the city as a licensed short-term rental property. Licensing is costly and requires approval from the owner’s homeowner association and the city.

As a renter, this means that your choices will be: 1) to rent an apartment that someone else lives in full time, 2) ferret out the very few registered apartments on the market, 3) rent in an “apartment hotel” (these are new on the market) or 4) rent an unregistered, technically illegal apartment. As a renter, you have no legal responsibility for registration, so have no fear and choose whatever you like!"

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