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Nouvelle-Aquitaine Eauze Treasure

The Eauze Treasure (Le Trésor d'Eauze) is displayed in a small museum in the center of the charming town of Eauze, near Condom. The treasure includes 28,003 Roman coins and jewelry discovered nearby. Coins are displayed on shelves grouped by type. Upstairs they have a small display of other Roman finds.
Location: France - Novelle-Aquitaine - Gers - Eauze
The town of Eauze is interesting with many beautiful old buildings. There are restaurants, cafes and shops. There are other interesting historic sites nearby - Seviac Roman Villa, Biran Roman Tower, the museum in Lectoure.
Website: Eauze Treasure

Having seen this museum, I don't feel the need to ever search out Roman coins again. It was amazing to see the whole treasure displayed in one place and near where it was discovered. Everything is displayed beautifully - we spent a long time looking at the different coins (displayed behind glass).


Archaeological museum, Eauze Treasure, located in the center of Eauze, near Condom.


The vault contains the Roman Treasure (Le Trésor d'Eauze).


28,003 coins and jewellery discovered nearby.

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