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Guess this photo - August 2017

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Here's the next photo:
I'd probably put money on this being Croatia, but as I've never been to that country, I have no idea otherwise.
Tim, I am going with you. Never have been there... Really want to go!

I am going to guess Split Croatia
Good guess -- Croatia, but not Split. Split is much bigger than this town, which we used as a base to visit Split.
Based on the "It's near enough to be a base for Split" comment - I found it on Google - Looks lovely - I particularly like the football pitch with fortifications at each end (it would be just to the left of the viewpoint in the picture above).
I'll leave it to see if somebody gets it "legitimately"
I agree with JT
24 hours is plenty of time
Go for it Tim :D
It feels so much like cheating! I believe it to be a place called Trogir - and it definitely looks inviting.
Another country I must put on my "To Do" list.
Yes, it is Trogir, and you should definitely put Croatia on your "to do" list. We spent 4 weeks there in '05 and would love to return. To you, Tim.
Ann, indeed it is - it is Rumelihisari - built by the Ottomans around 1451 at the narrowest point of the Bosphorus.
I tried to visit several times during our trip in October 2015 - and messed it up each time.

Over to you
Would somebody else like to put up a photo ? I'm out of inspiration, and it's too near bedtime for me to search through my archives.
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