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Trip Reports from the old SlowTrav website

This is terrific. You certainly have permission to include mine. We are finally going back to Lake Como and Nico's lovely place at Sant'Antonio outside Montepulciano this coming May. Covid certainly ruined many of our planned trips. Then, back to Positano and Nico's again next October. Fingers crossed. No matter where we go in Italy, we Always spend a week with Nico.
Two Paris trip reports from @Sharon J !

I am moving my trip reports over. I kept them in a blog section of SlowTrav, then moved them to a separate blog when I left SlowTrav. I closed that a few years ago. Now I am copying those old trip reports over and adding photos. I am starting at 2003 (Switzerland and Italy). By 2014 I was posting my trip reports on Slow Europe.
A new SlowTrav Trip Report from @margaretlb is posted:

Another great SlowTrav trip report has been copied over - this one for Turkey:

I moved this thread to the top of the Travel Talk forum to encourage people to read these trip reports. If you have a trip report that was published on SlowTrav, send me a message if you would like it published on Slow Europe. Thanks!
Alpinista's trip report for hiking Hadrian's Wall is posted.

This is good news! Have sent a DM

SlowTrav went offline in 2018. There were 800+ trip reports on the site, written by SlowTrav members. I love trip reports. Since 2014 we have been collecting trip reports on Slow Europe, in the Trip Reports forums (by country).

I have a copy of all the old SlowTrav trip reports (I used site cloning - scraping - software) but I cannot legally publish them on Slow Europe unless I have the permission of the author.

Here is the list of all the old trip reports on SlowTrav. The ones that have been moved are marked and have a link to their new location.

If you have a trip report that was on SlowTrav and would like to move it to Slow Europe, it can be moved in one of two ways:

1. I will send you a Word doc with your trip report. You can then publish it on the forums.
2. I will publish it for you.

Contact me by PM (click INBOX in the upper right) if you would like your trip reports published here.

It does not matter if the trip report is older. I have been re-reading many of them and they are still relevant and interesting.

Thanks to those of you who have already moved your trip reports over!
I posted Janet’s trip report about birding in Italy - Venice and the Po Valley.

Another birding report from Janet!

SlowTrav went offline in 2018. There were 800+ trip reports on the site, written by SlowTrav members. I love trip reports. Since 2014 we have been collecting trip reports on Slow Europe, in the Trip Reports forums (by country).

I have a copy of all the old SlowTrav trip reports (I used site cloning - scraping - software) but I cannot legally publish them on Slow Europe unless I have the permission of the author.

Here is the list of all the old trip reports on SlowTrav. The ones that have been moved are marked and have a link to their new location.

If you have a trip report that was on SlowTrav and would like to move it to Slow Europe, it can be moved in one of two ways:

1. I will send you a Word doc with your trip report. You can then publish it on the forums.
2. I will publish it for you.

Contact me by PM (click INBOX in the upper right) if you would like your trip reports published here.

It does not matter if the trip report is older. I have been re-reading many of them and they are still relevant and interesting.

Thanks to those of you who have already moved your trip reports over!
Well done Pauline...what an amazing job you've done.
Two great trip reports for Rome from @RomeFromHome .

Hi Pauline
I think I already gave my permission, but in case I hadn't, please publish all of our trip reports. I believe we had some from Spain and Italy, and maybe other places. Have I sent you one from our 2019 trip to Spain?
Hi Pauline
I think I already gave my permission, but in case I hadn't, please publish all of our trip reports. I believe we had some from Spain and Italy, and maybe other places. Have I sent you one from our 2019 trip to Spain?
I see one Spain trip report posted in 2019 but for a trip in 2011. I think you posted it.

I’ll check to see if there are others from SlowTrav and will message you. If you have a 2019 report, send it to me and I will post it.

Two excellent trip reports posted from @marshajc . One or two more to go.

Five Wonderful Weeks in Northern Spain

The "i'"s Have It
And the last one from @marshajc. I enjoyed the descriptions of driving in Sorrento and on the Amalfi Coast! Such a wonderful place. Such difficult driving!

SlowTrav went offline in 2018. There were 800+ trip reports on the site, written by SlowTrav members. I love trip reports. Since 2014 we have been collecting trip reports on Slow Europe, in the Trip Reports forums (by country).

I have a copy of all the old SlowTrav trip reports (I used site cloning - scraping - software) but I cannot legally publish them on Slow Europe unless I have the permission of the author.

Here is the list of all the old trip repon SlowTrav. The ones that have been moved are marked and have a link to their new location.

If you have a trip report that was on SlowTrav and would like to move it to Slow Europe, it can be moved in one of two ways:

1. I will send you a Word doc with your trip report. You can then publish it on the forums.
2. I will publish it for you.

Contact me by PM (click INBOX in the upper right) if you would like your trip reports published here.

It does not matter if the trip report is older. I have been re-reading many of them and they are still relevant and interesting.

Thanks to those of you who have already moved your trip reports over!

SlowTrav went offline in 2018. There were 800+ trip reports on the site, written by SlowTrav members. I love trip reports. Since 2014 we have been collecting trip reports on Slow Europe, in the Trip Reports forums (by country).

I have a copy of all the old SlowTrav trip reports (I used site cloning - scraping - software) but I cannot legally publish them on Slow Europe unless I have the permission of the author.

Here is the list of all the old trip reports on SlowTrav. The ones that have been moved are marked and have a link to their new location.

If you have a trip report that was on SlowTrav and would like to move it to Slow Europe, it can be moved in one of two ways:

1. I will send you a Word doc with your trip report. You can then publish it on the forums.
2. I will publish it for you.

Contact me by PM (click INBOX in the upper right) if you would like your trip reports published here.

It does not matter if the trip report is older. I have been re-reading many of them and they are still relevant and interesting.

Thanks to those of you who have already moved your trip reports over!
Hi Pauline. Rather belated however please transfer any of mine that might be of interest.
I'll be posting soon as we prepare for a 4 week holiday in western France; Britany to old Gasgony. We're finishing in the 4th week with a river cruise, so 3 weeks traveling as slowly as possible.
I'll also post a trip report from last June .. 4 weeks in s.e England.
I hope you're health has improved
Hi Gavin! Health improving. We are in Eastern France this week, heading to Switzerland. Looking forward to your trip reports and I’ll post any old ones when we get home.
Oops. It looks as though I never dealt with this. If it's not too late I'm happy for you to move 1185 (Barcelona), 1148 (Montreal/Quebec), 1057 (Newcastle and Hadrian's Wall.

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