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Nouvelle-Aquitaine Séviac Roman Villa

Séviac Roman Villa (Villa Gallo-Romaine de Séviac) is the remains of a Roman villa from the 4th century. There are mosaic tiled floors throughout the site. It is a large site with good information (they give you a book in English describing the parts of the villa). Séviac Museum is in the Tourist Office in the central square of nearby Montréal. Some of the best mosaics from the villa are displayed in the museum, along with other Roman artifacts recovered at the site. The Trees mosaic is exceptional.

Location: France - Novelle-Aquitaine - Gers - Montréal
The Roman villa is just outside Montreal. In the winter they close the site and cover the mosaics with sand. The associated museum, Seviac Museum, is in Montreal.
Website: Villa Gallo-Romaine de Séviac

When we were visiting Séviac Roman Villa a small group of people were part of a tour in French, but they gave us a book in English and we wandered around on our own. The setting is beautiful and the mosaics are some of the best I have seen (written before I saw the mosaics in Sicily - which really are the best). Afterward we went into Montreal (a beautiful town) to see the small Seviac Museum.


The best quality mosaics were in this "bird" room at the villa.


In the museum, large Trees mosaic recovered from the villa.

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