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Food & Drink Vegetarian/Vegan Restaurants in Paris

There is a large network of vegetarian restaurants and natural food shops throughout France. This is not a complete list of vegetarian/vegan restaurants in Paris but is my personal list. Resources listed at the bottom of the article provide more information.

  • If you can't find a vegetarian restaurant, look for a Creperie. They offer savory crepes which are usually available without meat.
  • Be aware that potatoes may be fried in animal fat.
  • Many restaurants will have one or two vegetarian offerings on their menus. If you don't see one, ask if they will make a vegetable plate.

Restaurants ordered by arrondissement (e.g. 75005 is the 5th arrondissement). Marked with * if we ate there.

Saveurs Végét'Halles (75001 - Metro: Chatelet or Les Halles)
41, Rue des Bourdonnais, www.saveursvegethalles.fr
We walked by but did not have a meal there. Very good looking menu with some Macrobiotic choices. On a small street south of Les Halles.


Saveurs Végét'Halles

Le Potager du Marais (75003 - Metro: Rambuteau) *
22 Rue Rambuteau, www.lepotagerdumarais.fr
We had a good lunch here. Small restaurant in the Marais. Very good vegetarian food with vegan options. Good service, good food.


Le Potager du Marais

Le Grand Appétit (75004 - Metro: Bastille) *
9 Rue la Cerisaie
Macrobiotic and no frills. The food was very good.

Le Grenier de Notre-Dame (75005 - Metro: Saint Michel) *
18 Rue de la Bûcherie, www.legrenierdenotredame.fr
We had a good dinner in this Macrobiotic-oriented restaurant. Known for their vegetarian cassoulet. Good seitan dishes. Caution: A very narrow spiral staircase to the upstairs seating area. Located on a small street near Notre Dame. They have a second location at Rue des Deux-Ponts (Metro: Pont Marie).

Maoz Vegetarian (75005 - Metro: Saint Michel) *
8 Rue Xavier Privas, www.maozusa.com
We loved this small falafel place in the crowded lanes of the Latin Quarter near Saint Michel and the river. You can eat there (3 small tables), walk down to the river and eat while leaning on the bridge or get them to wrap it in tin foil to take home.

Guen Mai (75006 - Metro: Saint-Germain-des-Pres)
6 Rue Cardinale, www.facebook.com/Guenmai/
A shop with a small restaurant area serving lunch only. Macrobiotic. Located in a cute lane off Saint Germain des Pres.

Joy in Food (75006 - Metro: Rome or Place Clichy)
2 Rue Truffaut

Tien Hiang (75011 - Metro: Voltaire or St. Maur)
92 Rue du Chemin Vert, www.tien-hiang.fr
Small Buddhist vegetarian restaurant.

Aquarius (75014 - Metro: Pernety)
40, Rue Gergovie


Vegetarian French Onion Soup


36 Rue Monge, www.naturalia.fr
Shops in all parts of Paris. We went to the one in the 5th and it had a good selection of grains, organic produce, dairy, juices, etc.

BioCoop (www.biocoop.fr)

  • Vegetarian - no meat, fish or poultry
  • Vegan - vegetarian plus no eggs or dairy products
  • Macrobiotic - grain centered diet (brown rice), eating foods according to season, that is vegan but some people add fish

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